Battersea Phase 3 is large, complex and is supplied by a narrow single access. Ensuring that the programme is lean and the logistics robust is even more critical than a similarly sized project. The effect of an issue can quickly be compounded to include other works and areas of the project.


Sir Robert McAlpine appointed Freeform to create a very high detail 4D model of all main works. In 12 months, we have worked with the project team through a series of workshops, developing the plan of work, including our most detailed fitout model to date. 900 apartments with thousands of activities represented.


The 4D model is supporting programme and logistics development, and is leading to a more predictable floor fit-out programme. Of particular focus has been the delivery and installation of the bathroom and utilities pods and interfacing works before and after their movements. The image below is a direct output from the 4D model.

Freeform have aided SRM on Battersea Phase 3A with the complicated integration of the overall programme and the detailed sequence of bathroom pod installation vs fitout. The main benefit has been identifying clashes and working through the issues to resolve and ensure the programme works. Freeform’s integration into the SRM team has been seamless.
Tom Hirsch
Senior Planner